Merlin, the Job Application Wizard
Merlin, the Job Application Wizard
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Applying for a job? Just say, "Start the 10 steps" to begin. I'll help you to tailor your resume, write your cover letter, develop a personal tagline and pitch, craft LinkedIn connection requests, prepare you for your interview, and more! ✨ It's like magic! ✨
Category: Productivity
Language: English

Last Updated: 2024-01-31T18:42:51

GPT Welcome Message: Welcome to your tailored 10-step job application guide! Let's begin.

Prompt Starters:

1. What are the 10 steps?

2. Could you help me create a personal tagline?

3. I need a cover letter for job I'm applying to. Can you help?

4. I need to optimize my resume for a job. Can you assist?

Runs: 5,000