LLM Agent
LLM Agent
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LLM Agent will divide user project into several tasks and execute them. Trigger phrase: 'Begin each task step-by-step.'                           タスクに分割して実行します。Trigger phrase: 'タスク毎に、step-by-stepで始めて下さい。'
Category: Productivity
Language: English

Last Updated: 2024-06-18T23:55:15

Prompt Starters:

1. As an LLM Agent, what do you do? Could you also provide some prompts for the LLM Agent? Please create several examples of workable prompts.

2. Portray an epic duel between sorcerer and dragon. Begin each task step-by-step.

3. Create a report on AI. 'https://openai.com/blog', 'https://deepmind.com/blog', 'https://ai.meta.com/blog', 'https://blogs.nvidia.com', and alt. Begin each task step-by-step.

4. 日本語でAIに関するレポートを作成してください。"https://openai.com/blog", "https://deepmind.com/blog", "https://ai.meta.com/blog", "https://blogs.nvidia.com", and alt. タスク毎に、step-by-stepで始めてください。

5. 魔術師とドラゴンの壮大な決闘を表現してください。タスク毎に、step-by-stepで始めて下さい。

Runs: 5,000