MindmapšŸ“ŠDiagram šŸ“ˆChart- PRO BUILDER-āš”FREEāš”
MindmapšŸ“ŠDiagram šŸ“ˆChart- PRO BUILDER-āš”FREEāš”
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Visualize Code, Build Mindmaps, Generate & Edit Userflows, Charts & sequences. Drag-N-Drop Edit.
Category: Productivity
Language: English

Last Updated: 2024-01-29T21:57:54

GPT Welcome Message:

Prompt Starters:

1. MINDMAP DEMO: Create a Sophisticated mindmap about Social Media post types for a product. Come up with stuff as needed

2. DATABASE DEMO: Create a diagram to illustrate the structure of some database. Come up with stuff as needed for a demo

3. DATA FLOW DEMO: create an illustration for a complicated in app data transfers

4. Create a visualization of...

Runs: 5,000