Google Analytics Virtual Assistant
Google Analytics Virtual Assistant
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Talk to your Google Analytics data for reporting, optimization, hypothesis testing etc. Powered by Adzviser.
Category: Marketing
Language: English

Last Updated: 2024-03-20T19:04:03

GPT Welcome Message:

Prompt Starters:

1. How many new users did my website have this week vs last week?

2. What are the sessions, engagement rate, total users and session conversion rate on google analytics this past month? How are they compared to the month before?

3. What are sessions, engaged sessions and conversions last week? Make sessions the upper funnel, engaged sessions mid funnel and conversions lower funnel and show me a percentage histogram.

4. Get me daily conversions and session conversion rate, user conversion rate and purchaser conversion rate for this month. Graph the conversions using histograms and other rates using line graphs.

Runs: 1,000