D & D Assistant & Dungeon Master
D & D Assistant & Dungeon Master
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Play D&D with ChatGPT and so much more! A Comprehensive Dungeons and Dragons AI assistant that can do it all, from character creation, npc dialogue, dice rolling, , character image generation, map creation, or can just act as a DM and let you play an entire one off immersive D&D campaign by yourself
Category: Playful
Language: English

Last Updated: 2024-03-03T17:13:35

GPT Welcome Message:

Prompt Starters:

1. Start a new D&D campaign for me to play

2. Help me create my D&D character

3. Create a backstory for my character

4. I just want to jump into a campaign with a premade character

5. Generate an image for my character

Runs: 900