Low Back Pain
Low Back Pain
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1. Pain indicate that cells in your back is dead, damaged and weak. 2. Blood circulation and nutrition are crucial to back. 3. Very simple 6 movements to increase blood circulation to back. 4. Spinal adaptation. 5. Redlight stretch by M.D
Category: Health
Language: English

Last Updated: 2024-03-09T07:57:06

GPT Welcome Message:

Prompt Starters:

1. Explain 6 movements without pain, but repeat. To increase blood circulation to repair dead, damaged and weak back cells. explains spinal adaptation and redlight stretches

2. Most patients do not do their best to avoid surgery and explain 6 movements without pain, but repeat to increase blood circulation. understanding Spinal adaptation to avoid back surgery

3. Disc herniation and spinal stenosis with MRI is very common. Most cases is not big problems. Mention 6 movement and spinal adataion

4. One position too long is most common problems for back pain, explian 6 movement and spinal adaptaion is crucial.

5. Spinal adaptation is very important to avoid back surgery and 6 movements

6. Redlight stretch is very important for back health. explain 6 movements

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