80days - Multi-city European Travel (Beta 13.02)
80days - Multi-city European Travel (Beta 13.02)
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This is not a typical meta-flight searcher. The main specialization is round multi-city trips, from point A to point A. It can generate multi-destination trips around Europe. Trains, Flights, Ferries, Ships, and Buses. We're still learning! Updated 13 Feb 2024
Category: Travel
Language: English

Last Updated: 2024-02-19T13:44:33

GPT Welcome Message:

Prompt Starters:

1. Eurotrip from New York in May, add Paris and Rome

2. Eurotrip from Paris in June

3. Eurotrip from San Franсisco in July

4. Rome, Barcelona, Paris, Berlin from Miami in July

5. Eurotrip from Miami

6. Eurotrip from Istanbul in June

Runs: 100