Metropolis Paul's Navigator
Metropolis Paul's Navigator
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AI Assistant with PD Persona/PMD expertise, offers strategic AI engineering, product management, and unified communication analytics advice at Metropolis.
Category: Travel
Language: English

Last Updated: 2024-05-20T18:06:55

GPT Welcome Message:

Prompt Starters:

1. DESCRIBE WRITING STYLE ➤ Help me, Paul, an Account Manager and Solutions Architect, write to emails quickly and efficiently using my direct writing style described in 'Paul_Writing_Style_Specification_Guidelines.txt' 'sleep 5 seconds' then ``` # Load the content of 'Paul_Writing_Style_Specification_Guidelines.txt' and display it in a code block. file_path = '/mnt/data/Paul_Writing_Style_Specification_Guidelines.txt' with open(file_path, 'r') as file: paul_writing_style_guidelines = paul_writing_style_guidelines``` Write outline for a "long-form", "medium-form" and "short-form" length, LinkedIn Inmail, Message, and Email. Remember ## RULE: **Use only necessary words, avoiding fluff to ensure messages are brief and to the point when applying style to his writing**

2. CISCOLIVE 2024 LINKEDIN ➤ ``` ## LinkedIn message openers for engaging Paul's contacts about Cisco Live 2024, following the concise and direct style of your template: ### LinkedIn Message Openers for Cisco Live 2024 #### For Existing Contacts - **Closer Relationship (Funny):** "Hey [Name], are you and your crew heading to Cisco Live this year? Don't miss our booth; we're bringing some seriously cool swag!" - **Normal Relationship:** "Hi [Name], are you planning to be at Cisco Live in Vegas this June? It'd be great to meet up and catch up on everything new!" - **Close Relationship (Personal):** "Hey [Name], ready to swap some new tunes at Cisco Live? We could jazz up our Webex Calling hold music. Let's sync when we're there!" - **Acquaintance:** "Hi [Name], thinking about Cisco Live? A little tip: set up your session schedule manually ahead of time – it's a lifesaver! Hope to see you there." #### For New Contacts - **Shared Interest:** "Hi [Name], noticed your passion for [shared interest]. Metropolis Corp is unveiling some game-changing [related tech] at Cisco Live 2024. Let's geek out together in Vegas!" - **Mutual Connection:** "Hi [Name], [mutual connection] mentioned your expertise in [relevant field]. I'll be at Cisco Live sharing how Metropolis Corp is revolutionizing this space. Care to exchange insights over coffee?" - **Thought Leadership:** "Hi [Name], loved your post on [relevant topic]. At Cisco Live, I'm hosting a roundtable on this subject, featuring Metropolis Corp's cutting-edge approach. Would you like to join the discussion?" - **Personalized Value:** "Hi [Name], impressed by your work at [their company]. Metropolis Corp has some tailor-made solutions for [their industry/role] that I'd love to show you at Cisco Live. Interested in a demo?" **Keyboard Shortcuts for Unstructured LinkedIn Text:** - Existing Contact, Closer Relationship (Funny): `ecf` - Existing Contact, Normal Relationship: `ecn` - Existing Contact, Close Relationship (Personal): `ecp` - Existing Contact, Acquaintance: `eca` - New Contact, Shared Interest: `nci` - New Contact, Mutual Connection: `ncm` - New Contact, Thought Leadership: `nct` - New Contact, Personalized Value: `ncv` These messages aim to spark curiosity and highlight the value of connecting at Cisco Live 2024, whether it's to catch up, explore shared interests, or discover relevant solutions. ```

3. LINKEDIN MESSAGE ➤ # Follow workflow template for engaging Metropolis resellers based on the tailored LinkedIn messaging approach: ```json { "ResellerEngagementStrategy": [ { "ContactName": "[Contact Full Name]", "ContactRole": "[Role Description]", "Industry": "[Industry Sector]", "ProductInterest": "[Relevant Metropolis Product]", "EngagementLevels": { "LongVersion": "It's been a while. We need to catch up. I just wanted to put [specific Metropolis product or solution] on your radar. [Detailed description of how the product fits with their industry and role, leveraging specific integrations like Microsoft Fabric for enhanced data management]. Remember, for those less inclined towards cloud solutions, we also offer [alternative Metropolis premise-based solution]. -Look forward to catching up.", "MediumVersion": "It's been a while. We need to catch up. Just a heads-up about our [specific Metropolis product or solution], perfect for [brief mention of industry/application]. It’s streamlined with Microsoft Fabric for easier management. Plus, we have [alternative Metropolis premise-based solution] for the cloud averse. -Look forward to catching up.", "ShortVersion": "It's been a while. We need to catch up. Have you checked out our [specific Metropolis product]? Great for [brief mention of application], with Microsoft Fabric integration. And don’t forget [alternative Metropolis premise-based solution] for traditional setups. -Look forward to catching up." } } ] } ``` ### How to Use This Workflow: ``` 1. **Customize Contact Information**: Replace placeholders (e.g., `[Contact Full Name]`, `[Role Description]`) with specific details for each new reseller contact you plan to engage. 2. **Tailor Product Interest**: Modify `[Relevant Metropolis Product]` to align with the reseller's industry and known interests. Provide specifics on how this product can benefit them, referencing the use of integrations like Microsoft Fabric if applicable. 3. **Adjust Message Length**: Choose from the long, medium, or short message templates based on the depth of your relationship with the contact or their preferred communication style. 4. **Include Alternative Solutions**: Mention premise-based solutions as alternatives to cloud offerings to cover a broader range of client preferences and technology adoption levels. 5. **Implement and Track Engagement**: Use this template to maintain a consistent and professional tone across various communications with potential resellers. Monitor responses and tweak your approach as necessary to improve engagement rates. This JSON structure helps standardize your engagement efforts, ensuring that each message is tailored yet consistent, supporting effective communication and relationship building with resellers. ```

4. CONTACT CATEORIZATION ➤ ### Prompt Template: ```markdown Utilize the structured template below to organize contact records for our CRM based on details extracted from LinkedIn profiles. Ensure consistency and clarity in your data entry by following these structured steps: 1. **Field Name**: Clearly label each field with a bold heading. 2. **Field Value**: Input the value within a separate markdown code block for each field. This facilitates easy copying into our CRM system. If data is not available, leave the code block empty. #### Example of Structured Data Entry: ``` ### Contact Name ``` Susie Chan ``` ``` ### First ``` Susie ``` ``` ### Last ``` Chan ``` ``` ### LinkedIn ``` [LinkedIn profile URL here - assumed to be available but not explicitly listed in the provided text] ``` ``` ### CompanyName ``` Newcastle Communications ``` ``` ### Domain ``` [Extracted from email domain if available, e.g.,] ``` ``` ### RoleCategory ``` Decision Maker ``` ``` ### Industry ``` Telecommunications ``` ``` ### ProductInterest ``` [List any Metropolis products that could serve telecommunication needs, e.g., Expo XT, OfficeWatch XT] ``` ``` ### SalesFunnelStage ``` [Assume "Consideration" based on the duration and role at the company] ``` Complete the record alignment with the structured template and Metropolis Corp requirements, then confirm completion by stating: "I have finished structuring the contact record. Please provide the next LinkedIn profile for further extraction and structuring." Continue this process, handling one profile at a time, ensuring each is properly formatted according to the template. Notify me if there are any questions or additional requirements during the process. ### Structured Template ```json { "ColumnsDefinition": { "ContactName": "The full name of the contact person. This information is crucial for personalizing communications and ensuring the AI model addresses the contact correctly.", "First": "The first name of the contact person. Using the first name in communications can help establish a more personal connection and is useful for personalized greetings.", "Last": "The last name of the contact person. The last name should be used in more formal communications or when the relationship with the contact is not yet well-established.", "LinkedIn": "The URL or handle of the contact's LinkedIn profile. This information allows the AI model to review the contact's profile, extract relevant information, and tailor the communication based on their background, interests, and activity, facilitating direct LinkedIn communications.", "CompanyName": "The name of the company where the contact works. Understanding the contact's company helps the AI model to contextualize the communication, reference relevant industry trends, challenges, or opportunities, and tailor messages that resonate with corporate culture and needs.", "Domain": "The company's primary domain name for email and website. The domain information can be used to research the company further, ensure the accuracy of the company name, and construct corporate email addresses.", "RoleCategory": "The role or influence category of the contact within their organization, such as Decision Maker or Influencer. This categorization helps the AI model to adjust the tone, content, value proposition, and approach of the communication based on the contact's likely level of influence and decision-making power.", "Industry": "The industry in which the contact's company operates. Industry information allows the AI model to demonstrate industry-specific knowledge, reference relevant case studies or success stories, highlight how the products or services can address industry-specific challenges, and customize content to industry-specific interests.", "ProductInterest": "A list of Metropolis products and services the contact might be interested in, based on their role and industry. This information enables the AI model to focus the communication on the most relevant offerings and articulate the specific value proposition for the contact's context.", "SalesFunnelStage": "The current stage of the contact within the sales funnel, such as Awareness, Consideration, or Decision. The AI model can use this information to adjust the communication's objectives, calls-to-action, level of detail, and complexity based on the contact's likely level of familiarity and engagement with the products or services.", "StrategySuggestion.InitialApproach": "A suggested initial approach or conversation starter that aligns with the contact's interests and potential needs based on their professional background. This suggestion helps the AI model to craft a compelling opening message that captures the contact's attention and sets the stage for further engagement.", "StrategySuggestion.ValueProposition": "Key points that articulate the value Metropolis products or services could offer to address the contact's specific business challenges. This information enables the AI model to communicate the relevant benefits and outcomes tailored to the contact's context.", "StrategySuggestion.FollowUp": "Recommended follow-up actions or offers to extend the engagement with the contact, such as additional information offers or meeting requests. These suggestions help the AI model to propose logical next steps, maintain the momentum of the conversation, and guide the contact through the sales funnel.", "ContactInformation.Email": "The email address of the contact. The AI model can use this information to personalize email communications and ensure accurate delivery.", "ContactInformation.Phone": "The phone number of the contact. This information is essential for the AI model when crafting call scripts or proposing phone conversations as a next step in the engagement.", "ContactInformation.PreferredCommunicationChannel": "The contact's preferred method of communication, such as Email, Phone, or LinkedIn. Understanding the preferred channel allows the AI model to prioritize the most effective means of outreach, tailor the communication style accordingly, and potentially influence the medium of the message.", "CompanyInformation.Website": "The URL of the company's official website. The AI model can use this information to research the company, understand its offerings and market positioning, potentially reference relevant content in the communication, and provide background information for personalized message crafting.", "CompanyInformation.CompanyType": "The type of company, such as Service Provider or Reseller. This categorization helps the AI model to understand the company's role in the market, tailor the communication to address their specific needs and priorities, and understand the business model for message customization.", "CompanyInformation.KeyPainPoints": "A list of significant challenges or pain points the company is facing that Metropolis could address. This information allows the AI model to demonstrate empathy, articulate how the products or services can solve specific problems, position the outreach as a valuable solution, and address the primary issues the company is currently facing.", "SalesInformation.LeadSource": "The source from which the lead was generated, such as LinkedIn, Event, or Referral. Understanding the lead source helps the AI model to reference the relevant context, potentially build on any previous interactions or shared experiences, and may influence the initial context of the conversation.", "SalesInformation.LeadType": "The type of lead, such as Cold, Warm, or Hot. This categorization enables the AI model to adjust the tone, level of familiarity, and urgency of the communication based on the likely level of prior engagement and interest, indicating the warmth of the lead.", "SalesInformation.LeadStatus": "The current status of the lead, such as Active, Lost, or Converted. This information helps the AI model to prioritize active leads, re-engage lost leads, nurture converted leads accordingly, and is essential for tracking progress and communication relevance.", "Location.City": "The city where the contact is based. Including the city in the communication can help the AI model to establish a local connection, potentially reference relevant events, trends, or experiences specific to the location, and is useful for regional tailoring of messages or scheduling meetings in suitable time zones.", "Location.State": "The state where the contact is based. Similar to the city, the state information can be used by the AI model to create a sense of regional relevance, tailor the communication to the local context, and aid in further regional customization and logistical planning for face-to-face interactions.", "Location.Country": "The country where the contact is based. Understanding the country is essential for the AI model to ensure the communication is culturally appropriate, accounts for any language differences, references the relevant market dynamics, and considers legal implications in communication.", "StrategySuggestion": { "OverallStrategy": "Overall strategy suggestions for engaging with the contact based on their profile and needs. This information provides the AI model with a high-level direction for crafting the communication, ensuring it aligns with the overarching objectives, leverages the most effective tactics for the specific contact, and is derived from analyzing their profile and expressed needs.", "EngageWithInsights": { "Introduction": "Start with a personalized greeting that acknowledges the contact's recent activity, interests, or achievements. Mention any mutual connections or shared group memberships to establish common ground.", "InsightfulComment": "Based on the contact's recent posts or shared articles, craft an insightful comment that demonstrates your understanding and interest in their expertise or the topics they care about. Highlight relevant experiences or shared challenges.", "ValueOffering": { "Description": "Briefly introduce how your expertise, product, or service can add value to their work or interests without making a direct sales pitch. Focus on the benefits and outcomes rather than features.", "Example": "I noticed your interest in [specific topic] and thought you might find our latest research on [related topic] insightful. It addresses some of the challenges you mentioned in your recent post." }, "EngagementQuestion": "Pose an open-ended question related to their expertise, recent post, or a topic of mutual interest to encourage a dialogue. This should be tailored to spark curiosity and invite sharing of opinions or experiences.", "ContentSharing": "Offer to share a piece of content (article, white paper, case study) that is highly relevant to their interests or current projects. Make sure this content provides value independently of your business offerings.", "FollowUpOffer": "Suggest a low-commitment follow-up action, such as joining a webinar you're hosting, participating in a relevant online discussion, or checking out an article you'll send via message. This should be framed as an opportunity for further engagement based on shared interests.", "Closing": "End with a polite and open-ended sign-off that leaves the door open for further interaction. Express gratitude for their time and any insights they may share in response to your message." } }, "LinkedInMessage": { "Long": { "Introduction": "Hello [Name], I discovered your profile through our mutual connection, [Mutual Connection's Name], and was impressed by your achievements in [Industry/Specific Field], especially your work on [specific work/project].", "CommentOnRecentActivity": "Your recent insights on [Topic] were engaging, sparking a thought-provoking discussion and shedding light on [specific detail]. Your approach to [aspect] is truly innovative.", "SharedInterests": "Like you, I have a strong interest in data-driven solutions and have been actively involved in integrating cutting-edge AI tools like Claude into business processes at Metropolis Corp.", "DiscussIndustryTrends": "The trend of utilizing AI for enhanced data analytics in [specific industry trend] has caught my attention, particularly its impact on strategic decision-making and operational efficiency.", "PotentialCollaborationOpportunities": "Our areas of expertise seem to overlap, especially around leveraging AI in Google Sheets to enhance data processing and marketing strategies.", "PersonalizedMessage": "Reaching out to you, [Name], comes from my belief that together, we can build a partnership that not only advances our individual projects but also contributes to the wider [Industry/Field].", "CallToAction": "Would you be open to discussing this further over a call or coffee?", "Signature": "Best regards, [Channel Account Manager Name], Account Manager and Solutions Architect, Metropolis Corp [Your LinkedIn Profile] | [Email]" }, "Medium": { "Introduction": "Hi [Name], I came across your profile through [Mutual Connection's Name] and was impressed by your work in [Industry/Field], particularly [specific project].", "SharedInterestsAndCommentOnActivity": "Your post on [Topic] caught my attention—it aligns closely with my focus on employing AI tools like Claude for strategic marketing within Google Sheets.", "PotentialCollaboration": "I see potential for collaboration between us, considering your expertise and my ongoing project at Metropolis Corp, which aims to harness AI for more efficient market analyses and customer insights.", "CallToAction": "Could we arrange a brief discussion to explore this further?", "Signature": "Best, [Channel Account Manager Name], Metropolis Corp [LinkedIn] | [Email]" }, "Short": { "Introduction": "Hi [Name], I saw your insightful post on [Topic]! I'm Paul from Metropolis Corp, currently working on harnessing AI within Google Sheets for enhanced data analytics.", "SharedInterestAndCallToAction": "We share an interest in innovative data solutions. I think a quick chat could uncover exciting opportunities for collaboration. Are you interested?", "Signature": "Cheers, [Channel Account Manager Name] [LinkedIn] | [Email]" } }, "Email": { "Template": "A template for a detailed email tailored to the contact's needs and potential interest in Metropolis products.", "EmailWriter": { "Description": "Help Paul, an Account Manager and Solutions Architect, respond to emails quickly and efficiently using his writing style. Paul's style is direct, concise, helpful, friendly, and professional. He prefers a soft sell approach, not overselling.", "Task": "Draft three email responses, long, medium, and short, for each received email. Responses should be crafted in Paul's voice and style, appropriate for various stakeholders such as end users, resellers, partners, and team members.", "ClosureStatement": "I have completed the task of preparing the email draft as [Channel Account Manager Name], Account Manager, and Tech Lead for Metropolis. Please paste the next email or content for me to review, analyze, and prepare the draft, short, medium, and long email responses." } } }, "CallScript": { "Script": "A script for a phone call or virtual meeting designed to engage the contact, discuss their needs, introduce relevant Metropolis solutions, and effectively communicate the value in solving the contact's business challenges." } } ``` ``` This template provides clear and detailed instructions for organizing contact information from LinkedIn into your CRM, ensuring that each field is properly formatted and ready for easy copying and pasting, facilitating efficient data management and CRM integration.

5. BEGIN WORKFLOW ➤ CREATE PROMPT TEMPLATE PER WORKFLOW DESCRIBED IN {JSON} ```json { "workflow": { "ContactCategorization": { "description": "Create a prompt template based on the provided JSON structure to categorize contacts", "json_structure": { "ContactCategorization": { "ContactInformation": { "ContactName": "[Full Name]", "FirstName": "[First Name]", "LastName": "[Last Name]", "Title": "[Title]", "Email": "[Email]", "Phone": "[Phone]", "PreferredCommunicationChannel": "[Email/Phone/LinkedIn]", "AdditionalContactInformation": { "SecondaryEmail": "[Secondary Email]", "Mobile": "[Mobile]", "LinkedInProfileURL": "[LinkedIn Profile URL]" } }, "CompanyInformation": { "Account": "[Reseller Company Name]", "Company": "[Company]", "Website": "[Website]", "Industry": "[Specific Industry]", "CompanyType": "[Company Type]", "LinkedInCompanyId": "[LinkedIn Company Id]", "ResellerOrEndUser": "[Reseller or End User]", "DescriptionInformation": { "Description": "[Description]", "Verticals": "[Verticals]", "KeyPartnerships": "Microsoft, Cisco, Nice, NEC, Zoom, Five9, RingCentral, Avaya, Mitel, BroadSoft, Asterisk, 3CX", "ProductOfferings": "Expo XT, QCloud, ProfitWatch SL, OfficeWatch SL, OfficeWatch XT, OfficeWatch XT2, QLive", "IntegrationCapabilities": "Seamless integration with leading platforms and manufacturers, ensuring compatibility and enhanced functionality for Unified Communications (UC), Unified Contact Center (UCC), UCaaS, UCCaaS, PCaaS", "DeploymentModels": "Flexible deployment options including On-Premise/CPE, Customer Azure Tenant CAS, SaaS, PCaaS, catering to diverse business needs" }, "PBXDetail": { "PBXModels": "[PBX Model(s)]", "SupportedBrands": "Microsoft, Cisco, Nice, NEC, Zoom, Five9, RingCentral, Avaya, Mitel, BroadSoft, Asterisk, 3CX, Genesys, Audio Codes, and more" }, "AddressInformation": { "BillingCity": "[Billing City]", "BillingState": "[Billing State]", "BillingCountry": "[Billing Country]" }, "KeyPainPoints": "[Specific challenges or needs faced by the company]" }, "SalesInformation": { "RoleCategory": "[Decision Maker/Influencer/Champion/Gatekeeper]", "ProductInterest": "[Expo XT, QCloud, ProfitWatch SL, OfficeWatch SL, OfficeWatch XT, OfficeWatch XT2, QLive, XeekAI]", "SalesFunnelStage": "[Awareness/Consideration/Decision/Loyalty]", "LeadSource": "[Lead Source]", "LeadType": "[Lead Type]", "LeadStatus": "[Lead Status]", "LeadSourceDetails": "[Lead Source Details]", "LeadNotes": "[Lead Notes]" }, "Location": { "City": "[City]", "State": "[State]", "Country": "[Country]" }, "StrategySuggestion": "[Based on the contact's role and product interest, tailor a strategy that leverages Metropolis Corp's unique selling points. Consider integration capabilities, advanced analytics, and the specific benefits of interested products.]", "DynamicStrategySuggestion": { "KeyInsights": "[AI-generated insights based on historical data and similar profiles]", "RecommendedActionItems": "[Specific steps or talking points suggested by AI]", "FeedbackLoop": "[Option for sales rep to provide outcome feedback for continuous improvement]" } } } }, "EngageWithInsights": { "description": "Create a prompt template based on the provided JSON structure to generate personalized engagement messages", "json_structure": { "EngagementPromptTemplate": { "Introduction": "Start with a personalized greeting that acknowledges the contact's recent activity, interests, or achievements. Mention any mutual connections or shared group memberships to establish common ground.", "InsightfulComment": "Based on the contact's recent posts or shared articles, craft an insightful comment that demonstrates your understanding and interest in their expertise or the topics they care about. Highlight relevant experiences or shared challenges.", "ValueOffering": { "Description": "Briefly introduce how your expertise, product, or service can add value to their work or interests without making a direct sales pitch. Focus on the benefits and outcomes rather than features.", "Example": "I noticed your interest in [specific topic] and thought you might find our latest research on [related topic] insightful. It addresses some of the challenges you mentioned in your recent post." }, "EngagementQuestion": "Pose an open-ended question related to their expertise, recent post, or a topic of mutual interest to encourage a dialogue. This should be tailored to spark curiosity and invite sharing of opinions or experiences.", "ContentSharing": "Offer to share a piece of content (article, white paper, case study) that is highly relevant to their interests or current projects. Make sure this content provides value independently of your business offerings.", "FollowUpOffer": "Suggest a low-commitment follow-up action, such as joining a webinar you're hosting, participating in a relevant online discussion, or checking out an article you'll send via message. This should be framed as an opportunity for further engagement based on shared interests.", "Closing": "End with a polite and open-ended sign-off that leaves the door open for further interaction. Express gratitude for their time and any insights they may share in response to your message." } } }, "EmailWriter": { "description": "Assist Paul, an Account Manager and Solutions Architect, in responding to emails quickly and efficiently using his writing style", "writing_style": { "tone": "direct, concise, helpful, friendly, and professional", "approach": "soft sell, not overselling" }, "instructions": "Draft three email responses (long, medium, and short) for each email pasted into the user context window, as if you're Paul from Metropolis. Emails could be from end-users, resellers, solutions partners, team members, etc.", "confirmation_message": "Please explain my request and ask me to paste the first email into the next user chat context window for your reply.", "completion_message": "I have completed the task of preparing the email draft as Paul Davis, Account Manager, and Tech Lead for Metropolis. Please paste the next email or content for me to review, analyze, and prepare the draft, short, medium, and long email responses." }, "ConversationStarter": { "description": "Help Paul create three Conversation Starter templates for LinkedIn (long, medium, and short) based on the provided JSON structure", "json_structure": { "ConversationStarters": { "Long": { "Introduction": "Hello [Name], I discovered your profile through our mutual connection, [Mutual Connection's Name], and was impressed by your achievements in [Industry/Specific Field], especially your work on [specific work/project].", "CommentOnRecentActivity": "Your recent insights on [Topic] were engaging, sparking a thought-provoking discussion and shedding light on [specific detail]. Your approach to [aspect] is truly innovative.", "SharedInterests": "Like you, I have a strong interest in [Shared Interest] and have been actively involved in [related activity or group]. This shared passion forms a great foundation for meaningful conversations.", "DiscussIndustryTrends": "The trend of [specific industry trend] has caught my attention, particularly its impact on [aspect of industry]. Given your expertise, I'd greatly appreciate your insights on this trend's potential implications.", "PotentialCollaborationOpportunities": "Our areas of expertise seem to overlap, especially around [project or aspect you're working on at Metropolis Corp]. There might be an opportunity for us to collaborate or share ideas that could benefit both our projects.", "PersonalizedMessage": "Reaching out to you, [Name], comes from my belief that together, we can build a partnership that not only advances our individual projects but also contributes to the wider [Industry/Field]. Your work on [specific project or topic] resonates with my initiatives at Metropolis Corp.", "CallToAction": "Would you be open to discussing this further over a call or coffee? I'm eager to learn more about your work and share insights that might interest you. If you're facing a challenge that could benefit from a fresh perspective, I'd be happy to provide mine.", "Signature": "Best regards, Paul Davis, Account Manager and Solutions Architect, Metropolis Corp [Your LinkedIn Profile] | [Email]" }, "Medium": { "Introduction": "Hi [Name], I came across your profile through [Mutual Connection's Name] and was impressed by your work in [Industry/Field], particularly [specific project].", "SharedInterestsAndCommentOnActivity": "Your post on [Topic] caught my attention—it aligns closely with my focus on [Shared Interest]. I believe we have much to discuss, especially regarding [specific industry trend or news].", "PotentialCollaboration": "I see potential for collaboration between us, considering your expertise and my ongoing project at Metropolis Corp, which aims to [brief description of your project]. Your insights could be very valuable.", "CallToAction": "Could we arrange a brief discussion to explore this further? I'm sure there are ways we can support each other's work.", "Signature": "Best, Paul Davis, Metropolis Corp [LinkedIn] | [Email]" }, "Short": { "Introduction": "Hi [Name], I saw your insightful post on [Topic]! I'm Paul from Metropolis Corp, currently working on [brief project description].", "SharedInterestAndCallToAction": "We share an interest in [Shared Interest]. I think a quick chat could uncover exciting opportunities for collaboration. Are you interested?", "Signature": "Cheers, Paul Davis [LinkedIn] | [Email]" } } }, "instructions": "Generate the long, medium, and short conversation starter templates, incorporating relevant information about Metropolis Corp and its offerings to make the templates more engaging and personalized." } } }```

Runs: 300