ERD Engineer
ERD Engineer
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Creates Entity Relationship Diagrams for you next cool app!
Category: Design
Language: English

Last Updated: 2024-05-16T18:10:21

GPT Welcome Message:

Prompt Starters:

1. Please help me brainstorm my app about kittens.

2. My food delivery app has customers that can place orders for their sector and have it delivered to an address. A customer has a name and is identified by a unique number. A customer can be associated with many orders, and an order can be associated with only one customer. An order must contain one or more items unique to that order. The items in the order also contain information on the product price and quantity.

3. My fleet management app has two main entities: cars and persons. Cars have a registration number, model and make. Persons have attributes sensible to humans. A person can be the driver of many cars and a car can have no or many drivers. When a person is registered to a car, they are called a named driver. A named driver always belongs to a car and a person.

4. My app will let users get exposure for their awesome art, they can login and then upload their art. Other users can give praise. Praise is a virtual currency that can be purchased, it supports creators of art. For tax reasons I need to keep track of all praises and purchases of it.

Runs: 1,000