Compass NVC
Compass NVC
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An empathetic guide to verbal Nonviolent Communication. Ask about interpersonal communication, including NVC, relationships, mediation, conflict management. CompassNVC will help you reword every message into the language of needs and values, so that your relationship is deeper and more satisfying.
Category: Social Media
Language: English

Last Updated: 2024-05-20T13:16:23

GPT Welcome Message:

Prompt Starters:

1. How do needs differ from need satisfaction strategies?

2. How can I rephrase this statement in NVC terms?

3. I need guidance on expressing my needs clearly.

4. Can you suggest an NVC exercise for improving my communication?

5. Jak mogę przetłumaczyć to zdanie na język NVC?

6. Potrzebuję pomocy w wyrażaniu moich potrzeb.

7. Czy możesz zaproponować ćwiczenie NVC, które poprawi moją komunikację?

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