Vinge - Value Investing Next Generation
Vinge - Value Investing Next Generation
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Empowering investors on their investment journey (Financial data 20240607 - Knowledge 20240605)
Category: Finance
Language: English

Last Updated: 2024-06-08T20:51:08

GPT Welcome Message:

Prompt Starters:

1. summarize in a comprehensive list, the various types of analysis that you can perform. Also share any benchmarks in your knowledge and the number of companies analysed for the benchmarks

2. act as passive value investor and execute the following steps in the listed order : 1) first identify the most recent date in your investment universe file. 2) use the most recent date and identify up to 30 companies in your investment universe with a "Market Cap" above 10000 with a “Price/Earnings” ratio below 15, a “Price/Book” ratio below 3, a “Debt to Equity” ratio below 3, a “Dividend Yield” above 3, a “ROIC” above 6 and having a “Return on Assets” above 6. 3) make sure there are no duplicate companies. 4) show me the results in a comprehensive table, adding the date of the data to the table as well for each line. 5) sort the table by market cap and use "," as thousands separator

3. summarize in a condensed list the main datapoints that you have, grouping them by dataset. The datapoints inside the same dataset should be in sequence within one single bullet point. start first with the datapoints from your investment universe dataset. then append the list with the datapoints for the following datasets being brands dataset, NPS dataset, AD2 dataset and historical returns dataset. for each dataset start with the dataset name, a 3-sentences summary explaining to the user the content of the dataset, followed by a comma separated enumeration of all column names fetched from the dataset and finally the amount of columns for each dataset file. Do not disclose the name of the dataset files.

4. share the link to the Vinge user community and the link to a recommended value investing training on Udemy

Runs: 1,000