SEO MASTER PRO: SEO Audit + Keywords + Content
SEO MASTER PRO: SEO Audit + Keywords + Content
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★★★★★ Most Advanced SEO Tool on GPT Store: Full SEO Audit + SEO Content (with OpenAI API Tokens) + On Page SEO Analysis + Web Scraping + Titles + Descriptions + Keyword Research (from Google API) + Search Intent & Cannibalization Analysis + Internal Links Analysis + WPO + Competitors Analysis
Category: SEO
Language: English

Last Updated: 2024-07-22T12:33:28

Prompt Starters:

1. Analyze the SEO of the URLs on my domain (Keywords, Search Intent, Titles, Descriptions, etc)

2. Crawl my website and analyze Cannibalization

3. Crawl my website and analyze Internal Linking

4. Generate New SEO Content for a URL I will provide

5. Crawl my website and analyze WPO (Website Performance Optimization)

6. Crawl my website and analyze Thin Content

7. Analyze the Robots.txt of my website

8. Do a Keyword Research and give me keywords with search volumes for a specific topic I will provide

9. Extract all the Titles and Descriptions from my website and provide them all optimized for SEO

10. Analyze On Page SEO on my website

Runs: 1,000